Solar Energy PV Systems: A brief intro...
The Solar PV Panels produce electricity from income sunlight, in the form of DC-power (direct current) that is typically converted to standard household AC-power before being used by homes, appliances, or getting transferred onto the Utility’s energy grid. This is power conversion is done by an Inverter, and through the exchange process only minimal energy is lost with today's inverters.
Typical Grid-Tied Solar Panel Energy System
The Solar Panels and AC-inverter are the major parts of the system, together they account for the majority of the project costs, and with the growing solar market worldwide, prices on panels / inverters have dropped alot and are very reasonable for average homeowners. There are a few additional components required for the solar system, to ensure that the system operates safely, reliably and to current California Electrical Code requirements. These minor components are standard for any electrical wiring and include: shut off-boxes, fuses, and ‘grounding’ of circuits and equipment. The diagram above shows major components of a typical grid-tied Solar PV system.
The Solar Cell
Solar cells are the power units of every PV system. They are comprised of photo-diodes, which convert incoming Solar Radiant Energy, into Electrical Energy (electricity). The process is explained in greater detail here Solar Photovoltaics.
Off-Grid Systems:
Description: This type of system does not utilize a grid connection at all. Solar PV panels generate Electricity for the site, with optional Batteries for storage or a back-up generator. Energy Storage is accomplished with a handful of deep-cycle batteries, which provide electricity at night/early morning/cloudy days, when light levels are low. Alternatively a back-up Generator can be utilized (wind turbine, natural gas, diesel), but adds to overall system costs.
→ Examples of common uses and set-ups for off-grid systems:
-Home or Residence, looking for grid independence or low electric bills.-RV and Trailers, Mobile units
-powering remote equiptment: farming, water pumps, commercial, many applications.
→ Diagram and Info for Off-Grid System:
Electrical diagram (w/pictures, easy to read) w/ good General Description too:
→ Diagram and Info for Off-Grid System:
Electrical diagram (w/pictures, easy to read) w/ good General Description too:
Grid Tied Systems
Description: Solar PV panels generate most of the site’s power, which once transformed through the inverter to grid-level AC form, gets routed to the site’s main panel and ties in with the Utility Power Mains. This type of set-up allows for the Power generated by the Solar Panel Array to be transferred back to the grid, and with the net-metering programs in effect in most areas (or even energy buy-back programs), you will be given an equal credit for each watt sold back to the grid on your monthly electric bill. These systems do not need a battery back-up, but some hybrid systems include that feature also.
→ Examples of common uses and set-ups for Grid-Tied systems:
-Home or residence,
-Commercial buildings, Businesses
→Diagram and Info for Grid-Tied/Hybrid System:
Electrical diagram (w/pictures, easy to read) and good General Description too:
-Commercial buildings, Businesses
→Diagram and Info for Grid-Tied/Hybrid System:
Electrical diagram (w/pictures, easy to read) and good General Description too: